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Unite is demanding that women and girls have period dignity.


By making changes in our workplaces, our places of education, and in society, women and girls will be able to have a positive period knowing that they are able to access sanitary products.


Having a period is a natural process that should not be a source of awkwardness for anyone.


"That time of the month" can be inconvenient and embarrassing for women and girls. It shouldn't be. For too long, women and men have shied aware from talking about periods.


Unite believes that, by changing perceptions, we can tackle some of the wider issues around periods.


We want access to sanitary products in the workplace and schools to be as normal as having access to things such as toilet roll.

What we aim to achieve

  • Change attitudes towards periods - periods should not be embarrassing for anyone

  • Employers to provide sanitary products in the workplace - we want this to be the norm for every workplace

  • Education establishments to provide sanitary products so that young women's education does not suffer

  • Ensure VAT is removed from all sanitary products

  • Support Period Poverty campaign groups. Women and young girls should have access to these vital products. 

What you can do to help?

In your workplace

  • Ask your employer to provide sanitary products in their toilets for staff and visitors to use

  • Display Period Dignity posters where you work

  • Display posters highlighting our campaign to ensure that VAT is removed

  • Ask colleagues to sign our petition calling for the Government to stand by their commitment to remove VAT

in your place of education

  • Write to the Chair of Governors or Headteachers of local schools to engage them with the campaign. click here

  • Contact Local Councillors asking them to submit a motions to a Council meeting (click the link below).

At home

Write to your local MP asking them to support the campaign to ensure that the Government remove VAT from sanitary products. Ask your friends and family to do the same (click the link above).


Ask your friends and family to sign out petition calling for the Government to stand by their commitment to remove VAT. 

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