UNITE WM 7015 is only a strong as its members allow it to be.
Participation, Activism, and Organisation are the benchmarks that branch effectiveness is measured.
# ❤️ UNION WEEK, is a chance to tell the story about why unions are vital for everyone at work and encourage people who aren't yet in a union to join.
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 Winning in the workplace campaigning for better jobs, pay rewards that reflects the workers contribution to the success of the business improving workplace terms and conditions.
Work Voice Pay is Unite’s broad industrial strategy. It is a multi-faceted approach to supporting our reps to deliver for our members. Providing support and tools to help Unite reps.
Coordinating our pay bargaining, researching key workplace issues, building strike-ready workplaces, and developing ‘leverage’ campaigning,
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 Our strength comes from you the members your commitment to winning in the workplace for better pay, better jobs, and safer workplaces.
we are strongest where we have reps have the backing of the members in the workplace. The members actively take part in Branch activities, recruitment, elections, and campaigning in the workplace.
Strong union structures, trained workplace reps, health & Safety reps supported by a regional officer, union researchers, and legal representatives
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 Workplace reps the backbone of the trade union movement and your best friend in the workplace.
Through workplace mapping they identify where we are strong and recruitment opportunities to grow the union.
Trained workplace reps elected by the membership in the workplace that do your job and understand the issues you face. trained in employment law supported by a regional officer, extensive research, and legal departments.
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 the continuing campaign for ever safer workplaces goes on as our conveners alongside our sister unions negotiate risk assessment and health & safety policy
Familiarise yourself with the risk assessment in your area, question dangerous and unsafe working practices.
Health & safety is everyone's responsibility you have the right to work in a safe environment.
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 We campaign and organise on the issues that matter to our members, such as decent jobs, pay, conditions, equalities, pensions, and safe and healthy workplaces.
Committed to fighting against the injustices that impact the lives of our members daily resulting in hardship, discrimination, and job insecurity.
Our aim is to help and support all our members to build a better life for themselves and their families.
We hope to ensure that being a member of the union is a lifetime choice
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 promoting and supporting the prevention of the causes of mental illness in the workplace. We have worked with SMBC have signed the time to change mental health pledge.
Time to talk day and mental health awareness week and mental health day alongside national suicide prevention day we actively promote mental health in the workplace and in the home.
Ending mental health discrimination one conversation at a time
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 supporting our female members going through the change, the positive effect it has on them to know they aren't alone, and they are supported in the workplace.
For too long the debilitating effects of the menopause and how it impacted on female members went on unsaid and those afflicted went unsupported and sadly often left their jobs as a result.
Understanding and ongoing support in the workplace
I ❤️ UNITEWM7015 Equality is a fundamental right, and our structures need to be reflective of the diversity of our members and wider society.
UNITE has a pivotal role to play in helping to create working conditions that are fair to all workers.
The Equality Act 2010 (and equivalent in Northern Ireland) provides protection for our members from racial discrimination and harassment and the opportunity to promote race equality.
UNITE will continue to strive for equal opportunities for all our members
when ordinary people come together and say
"enough is enough" there is nothing that can't be achieved